Negatu, Workneh (PhD)Gebru, Biruk2018-07-262023-11-182018-07-262023-11-182007-06 Ihe ruml 11011 jarm economic seclOr in riepeloping cOlliliries is growing SubSlal1liallv and il became an imporlanl source of employmenl and income for rural households. Bul nol all rural households are enjoying Ihe lucmlive bene/ilS of Ihis seClor. This paper investigales inlensity and determinanlS of households' parlicipation in non Fmn income genera ling activities in wolmera woreda,Oromiva region. The dala was collected ji'om random I)} selected sample hOllseholds and Ihe informalion was analvzed and processed using simple descriptive statistical lools and logil regressive economic model. The resull show Ihal majority of rural households in Ihe slud)J area do indeed adopt multiple income sources driven by various demographic alld socio economic .(clclors. The economic model shows thai Jaclors like lileracy, ji:!mil)J size, and land size are happen 10 be Ihe main delerminant jiJctors in households' decision 10 engage in dirferenlnon/Cirm income diversifying aCliviliesenZone Oromiya RegionDetermi Nants of Participation In Non Farm Economic Activities: The Case of Wolmera Woreda West Shewa Zone Oromiya RegionThesis