Alam, Zafar(PhD)Tigneh, Woldyie2018-06-282023-11-042018-06-282023-11-042016-07 research is a critical assessment of Ethiopia's 2006 military intervention in Somalia. The research investigated Ethiopia's military intervention in Somalia whether it was right decision or was it a manifestation of hates for Somalia?. Qualitative research methodology has been used in the course of collecting and analyzing data by employing both primary and secondary sources as method of data collection. Primary data are collected through key informant interviews from individuals in various institutions. Secondary sources used in this study include books, journal articles, reports and pertinent web sources. Based on the above mentioned sources of data the study has tried to answer the research questions that have aim of appraising Ethiopia‟s intervention in Somalia. The finding shows that Ethiopia's military intervention has been regarded as the most essential strategic decision. Its successful operation encouraged other African countries Such as Uganda and Burundi for military intervention through the African Union. From the findings, it is concluded that the Ethiopian military achieved what no western States and African countries thought to be possible. Its daring response to the lawlessness in Somalia laid the foundation of the current elected Somali Government and AMISOMenInternational RelationEthiopia’s 2006 Military Intervention in Somalia: Critical AppraisalThesis