Sisay Alemahu(PhD)Naboni Kelbesa2023-12-282023-12-282023-05 with disability are often vulnerable to intersectional marginalization in their social, economic, and political life. By the same token, WWDs face unique vulnerability to SGBV due to their intersecting identities- Gender and Disability. However, the move from a single-axis approach towards an intersectional approach by international and regional human rights instruments has been a long route. Nevertheless, a major shift towards an intersectional approach has recently been witnessed from the work of treaty bodies and human rights compliance mechanisms, which acknowledge intersectional vulnerability in general and the double marginalization of WWDs in particular. In addition to substantive human rights guarantees, several general recommendations have put directions on how an intersectional approach can be applied in protecting WWDs from SGBV. Through an intersectional lens, the paper examines the extent of the intersectional approach taken by the Ethiopian legal framework in terms of the protection of WWDs from SGBV.en-USWomen Disabilities, Intersectionality, Sexual and Gender Based Violence,Protection of WomenIntersectionality and the Protection of Women with Disabilities from Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the Legal Framework of EthiopiaThesis