Kalkidan Negash (PhD)Nahom Chane2023-12-272023-12-272022-07-02http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/1239Following the independence of African states, the continent was faced with a major challenge - the poorly demarcated and artificially drawn borders that had been imposed upon them by their former colonizers. These borders not only failed to reflect the socio-geographic realities of the continent but also served as a potent source of conflict and political instability. Border disputes in Africa have persisted for centuries and have had devastating consequences on the economic and social development of entire regions. In recognition of this issue, the African Union, shortly after its establishment, anticipated that border disputes would continue to be a major cause of conflict in the region. In response, the Cairo resolution AHG/RES 16(1) was adopted, whereby all African states pledged to respect the borders that existed upon their achievement of independence. However, the resolution did not fully succeed in preventing border conflicts, as most borders were not clearly demarcated and did not take into account the social geography of the continent. The recent border clashes between Sudan and Ethiopia serve as a painful reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by African countries in this regard. Although such conflicts are not uncommon, the direct involvement of military forces on both sides has caused alarm among international observers. The disputed area is known as al-Fashaga, where the north-west of Ethiopia's Amhara region meets Sudan's breadbasket Gedaref state. The history of border demarcation between these two nations is complex, with numerous factors contributing to the ongoing dispute. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the historical and contemporary challenges surrounding border demarcation in Africa, with a specific focus on the Sudan-Ethiopia border dispute. In doing so, we will explore the institutional and legal frameworks established by the African Union and the role they could play in facilitating peaceful resolutions to such conflicts. By shedding light on this critical issue, we hope to contribute to ongoing efforts to promote peace, stability, and development in Africaen-USAppraisal of the AU Role, Peaceful Resolution, Ethiopia and Sudan Border ConflictResearch Paper on ‘’ Appraisal of the AU Role in the Peaceful Resolution of Ethiopia and Sudan Border Conflict’’Thesis