Bekele, Mulugeta (PhD)Bassie, Yigermal2018-07-092023-11-092018-07-092023-11-092012-06http:// this thesis, we take a stochastically driven single level quantum dot embedded between two metallic leads at di erent temperatures which works as a heat engine. We analytically study the optimized e ciency that lies between the maximum e ciency and minimum e ciencies (e ciency at maximum power and the minimum e ciency) condition. We perform two ways of optimization criteria to nd their corresponding optimized e cien- cies, powers and periods. We study the performance of the heat engine by introducinng a gure of merit as a function of Carnot e ciencyenQuantum dot Heat EngineOptimized Efficiency of a Stochastically Driven Quantum dot Heat EngineThesis