Chalchisa, Desalegn (phD)Gizaw, Girma2018-07-192023-11-052018-07-192023-11-052013-06 purpo e of this study was to examine the role of NGOs in attaining universal primary education (UPE) with afocus on reading, writing and numeracy at Ada Berga Woreda Western howa Zone of Oromia region. The study was carried out by examining NGOs roles in the universal primary education activities as compared to the schools supported by the government. Descriptive urvey method was used to attain the objective of the study. Purposive sampling, tratified sampling and random sampling technique were employed to select respondents of the study. Student were selected using stratified sampling whereas, teachers, Woreda education head were selected using purposive sampling and random sampling was employed to select cluster supervisors. Quantitative data gathered from the students test achievement were analyzed using F-test one way ANOVA and t-test as well as qualitative data was analyzed with themes. As the results of the study revealed, NGOs role was significant and indicated their roles in universal primary education at the Adea Berga Woreda primary schools. Among the roles NGOs played at the Woreda were: schools construction and furnishing with the necessary equipment's ,train teachers and students, supported disadvantaged children, constructing latrine and clean water development for schools, support budget for teachers training and girls health training, trained community to promote girls education in particular and primary education in general, and trained Woreda education officials, supervisors ,director on teaching learning process and the school management. Based on the result of the study it was recommended that due to the significant role NGOs played government should create partnership for further interventions of the NGOs in the primary school to realize universal primary educationenAda Berga Woreda Primary SchoolsThe Role of Ngos in Attaining Universal Primary Education with a Focus on Reading,Writing and Numeracy: the Case of Ada Berga Woreda Primary SchoolsThesis