Simon, Gebremedhin (PhD)Mohammed, Nuru2018-07-132023-11-092018-07-132023-11-092000-06 a great debt of heartfelt gratitude to so many people for their contributions that I cannot thank them all personally, but [ would particularly like to thank following. I am deeply indebted to Professor Keith Johnson, my supervisor on the Lancaster University side, for his insightful and critical comments on the drafts of my chapters. [ consider myself lucky and privileged to have done this work under his supervi sion. Special thanks, too, are due to Dr Gebremedhin Simon, my supervisor on the Addis Ababa University side, for his constructive comments and constant encouragement. I should like to thank all those teachers and their pupils who so kindly suffered my presence in the classroom and put up with the numerous questions that I had to ask during the interview and in the questionnaire. The project would have been impossible without The British Council who financed my study in the UK. Finally, I must thank my wife, Rahma Tirfu, tor her encouragement, and our children, Feti ya, Mubarak, and Aziza for bearing my absence.enNon of Teacher Expect a TionsFeedback in the Efl Classroom: an Exploration of its Role in The Communica Non of Teacher Expect a TionsThesis