Elias Worku (PhD)Seid Mohammed2024-08-292024-08-292024-04https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3436This research was conducted to examine the status of professional journalism in Ethiopia during the reform period (2018–2023) by taking the "Netsa Hasab" show of Walta Media in Focus. Walta TV is among the media businesses that have popular shows that expose wrongdoing. Of those programs, "Netsa Hasab" is the most well-known. In light of these, the researcher examined how professional journalism is practiced in the program. This study is designed to answer the following fundamental research questions: How close to accuracy and truthfulness does Walta TV's "Netsa Hasab" program adhere? How does Walta TV uphold the values of fairness in its shows? Under what circumstances does the "Netsa Hasab" program respect the dignity of its guests? What are the challenges for using concrete evidence in Walta TV's "Netsa Hasab" program? Discriptive qualitative analysis was condacted. The information gathered from in-depth interviews was examined and sample “Netsa Hasab" programs were also selected purposefully and analyzed carefully. According to the study's findings, the “Netsa Hasab” program features higher officials and prominent people who are viewed by society as untouchable; we can say that it is a model program. But "Netsa Hasab" has a lot of problems when it comes to employing concrete evidence. Consequently, truthful, fair, and accurate information is not available to the public. So the program is produced based more on hearsay than on solid proof. This can be seen also in a number of Ethiopian broadcast media. According to this research, the primary problem with the program is that guests aren't treated properly and fairly. In addition to that Ethiopian professional journalism faces major challenges from government intervention, a lack of professionalism among journalists, and incompetent managers.en-USProfessional JournalismAssessing ‘Netsa Hasab’ Program of Walta Tv From The Perspective of Professional Journalism ParametersThesis