Abota, Arka (PhD)Lamaro, Mengistu2021-11-242023-11-082021-11-242023-11-082021-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/28918Organizational reform and the location of public relations at the federal executive organs in Ethiopia: Challenges and prospects Mengistu Lamaro Addis Ababa University, May 2021 The federal executive organs in Ethiopia went through structural and functional reforms aimed at making them fit to the socio-economic and political reforms in 2018. The impact of this reform on the public relations sector at both central government and federal executive organs did not get adequate attention. This study aimed to examine the impacts of organizational reform on the public relations processes in the federal executive organs of Ethiopia. The result of this study is supposed to inform the concerned parties about the status quo of the PRs sector along with the existing challenges and thus initiate them to respond accordingly. A quantitative research design was employed to conduct a descriptive survey on the case at hand. Through a quantitative analysis of data collected from different sources using a combination of instruments, the study found that the organizational reform actions introduced in 2018 affected the roles and functions of PRs in the federal executive organs more seriously than the structural location of the process. Even though the national public relations sector leading organization was dissolved by law, the public relations units remained at the usual location accountable and directly reporting to the executive management of their respective organizations. However, functionally, the public relations were pushed out of the decision making management team, missed opportunities to access decisions they were supposed to inform the public on timely manner. With some emerging issues and lacking of resources as well as enabling environment which affect the day to day practices of the public relations functions, therefore, the practitioners limited themselves to insignificant routines than core public relations functions. In tackling the issues affecting their functioning, the public relations practitioners should, therefore, have to stride further in practicing their functions in a professional manner so that they can get recognition by the key stakeholders. Moreover, the practitioners should focus on key public relations roles might help them get noticed and sought after. The Press Secretariat department should resume the undergoing reform initiatives, and support the public relations sector professionalism by fully implementing the sector plans and programs handed over from the GCAO.en-USOrganizational reform and the location of public relations at the federal executive organs in Ethiopia: Challenges and prospectsOrganizational reform and the location of public relations at the federal executive organs in Ethiopia: Challenges and prospectsThesis