Urga, Kelbessa (PhD)Markos, Tsion2022-04-152023-11-092022-04-152023-11-092013-06http:// composition, microbiology and sensO/y characteristics oj' germinated and fermented low lannin sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) variety ("teshole ") and kabuli chickpea (Cicer arielinum L.,) variety ("harbu ' ) blend were invesligated. Traditional processing (germinat ion and jimnel1lation) methods were observed to be effective in reducing antimllritional facto rs. Siondard Methods o/AOAC were usedfor analysis o/nlltritionol compositions. Porridf!,el lI'ae evaluated/ur their acceptobilitv test using a nine poinl hedonic scale. Tvlal p/ole ('ollnl (lnd IOe/ic acid baclerial cOllnl Irere enumerated using Plate Count Agar and MRS ogCt/; re.sjJectively Fermentation for -18 hours reduced the tOlal baclerial count from \I 57 to 3. 1610gcjil/m by reducing the pH to the level of <-1.5 which inhibited the gruIL th of tolal bacterial count to the level <410gcji.t!ml. Combined ejfect of germination ond jimnentalion increased crude protein from I3.55 to 15.78. total energy frum 4lU.3:! tu -115.11. colcium ji'om 51.-19 to 57. 76. zinc from 2.676 to 3.17 and phosphorus from 26.11 to 38.87 Ing/ fOOg, but decreased crude fiber/rom 3. 05 10 2.4 7, carbohydratefi'om 78. 90 to 76.74. iron ii'om 5.29 to ยท128. phytale from 52.02 to 20.10 and tannin ji'om 38.35 10 3-1.19 mg/ IOOg of sorghumlchickpea blend. Over all senson' acceptability of jermentedlf!,erminated sorghumk hickpel/ blended parric~f{e " 'os mo/"{' liked h,. the ponelists. ClIlI1hined etr~ct or germination/fermentatiun increased the energl density of sorghum/chickpea blend by reducing viscosity from 5122cP (cuntrol) tu 1Y86cP (acceptable value 0/ viscosity jur young children). II can be concluded thaI. genninu/;on Cine/fermentation were observed to decrease the tolal bacterial count, increase energy density by decreasing the viscosity of porridge and increase the sensory acceptability by improving Ihe organoleptic property a/porridge prepared from LOlli tannin sorghumlchickpea bLend. Key I\lords: Germimition, Fermentation, Complementary food, Ant inutritiol7al jilclvrs, Low tal7nin sorghum, Chickpea.enGermimitionFermentationComplementary foodAnt inutritional jilclvrsLow tannin sorghumChickpeaEffect of Germination and Fermentation on Microflora, Sensory Characteristics and Energy Density of Fermented Low Tannin Sorghum/Chickpea Blended Porridge as Complementary FoodThesis