Tessera, Adane(PhD)Markos, Henock2020-10-192023-11-102020-10-192023-11-102009-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/22835Recognizing sustainable provision 0/ Education cannot be the sole responsibility o/the government, the NGOs and the community intervention has been highly encouraged. Accordingly, many Alternative Basic Education Projects supported by NGOs have been carried out in Addis Ababa. Some projects were successful in producing lasting impact on the provision 0f Education. However, many projects could not support themselves and operate in sustainable manner after project handover is made to the community and the NGOs ceased their support. A number 0/ technical, financial, institutional, economic, social and environmental/actor constraints contribute to the failure to sustain the projects. The study made an assessment o/these factors that are critical/or sustainability 0/ education projects. In order to conduct this study five NGOs were purposely selected. Their education project components, which includes Education Centers, and other arrangements and considerations made to making the projects sustainable after project handover were subjects o/the study. To gather information questionnaires were distributed, interviews and locus group discussions were held, relevant documents were analyzed, and also field observations were made. The respondents were selected using availability and pufposive sampling techniques. The respondents were categorized in two groups; NGO members and Education Committee Members. Project Managers, Project Officers, Supervisors, Coordinators and facilitators were categorized into NGO members, and Government Officials and Community respondents as Education Committee members. The analysis was carried out using independent t-test along with other descriptive and infertile techniques. The findings o/ the study show that the communities' capacity to operate the project in sustainable manner is questionable mainly because 0f weak financial and institutional capacity. In drawing conclusion, the stud)! views the arrangements made to overcome the constraints are not adequate and less allegation is given of' sustainability o/the projects, and this leads to uncertain situation the projects sustainability. It is recommended in the study that more collaborative efforts belle ensures sustainability. Thus, the roles expected from each stakeholder should clearly be communicated and the Education community members need to be correctional in eliciting support from the community they represent and the necessary support needs to be provided by the NGOs.enIERAssessment of Sustainability of Alternative Basic Education Projects Supported by Selected NGOs in Addis AbabaThesis