Asrat, Bahran (PhD)Desalegn, Semira2020-12-312023-11-042020-12-312023-11-042020-05 is the most popular concept among modern management and organization applications, which improves the decisional authorities of employees and supports their personal development. The hotel industry has been growing fast in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the past years. This is attributed to the fast economic growth and associated matters relate to conference tourism, increased flow of tourism and globalization. The permanence and success of hotel enterprises which give priority to customer satisfaction. Hence, the main objective of this research was to determine the effect of employee empowerment practice on customer satisfaction in the hotel industry particularly at Radisson Blu hotel in Addis Ababa; and the specific objectives was determining the role of employee participation, employee capacity development, team work practice, communication effectiveness and management support on customer satisfaction in the hotel/hospitality sector. The type of this research was adopted descriptive survey research design. The research was based on primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected from all employees and employees (managers) of the organization through questionnaires and interviews. The research approach was applied for this study are both qualitative and quantitative (mixed) type of research when descriptive analyses have been deployed. ANOVA Analysis was used to compare the effect of employee empowerment practices. Correlation and regression were also used to analyze the relationship and its effect between employee empowerment practices on customer satisfaction. Based on the analysis, there is positive and high degree correlation between employee empowerment practices and customer satisfaction. In multiple linear regression equation, employee participation has highest beta coefficient which is greatly influence on predicting customer satisfaction. The study recommends that involving the employees in decision making and maintaining their independency is very necessary to empower and build their capacity. In addition to this the company should also conduct customer satisfaction surveys from time to time & take corrective actions on areas that need improvement.en-USEmployeeEmpowermentEmployee empowermentThe Effect of Employee Empowerment Practice on Customers’ Satisfaction in The Hotel Industry: The Case of Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis AbabaThesis