Worku, Alemayehu(Prof.)Abagero, AbdulnasirAwraris, DanielMulugeta, Achamyeleh2021-09-212023-11-052021-09-212023-11-052021-01 Ethiopia Field Epidemiology and Training program (EFETP) is a two years in-service training program in field epidemiology adapted from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program is designed to assist the Ministry of Health in building or strengthening health systems by recruiting promising health workers and building their competencies through on-the-job mentorship and training. The program has two main components: a classroom-teaching component (25%) and practical attachment or field placement component (75%). Completion of the above mentioned two components of the residency culminates in a final output of works, which is equivalent to a thesis for the graduate school of public health for partial fulfillment of a master degree in Field Epidemiology. These out puts of work have eight chapters, which includes report of outbreak investigations,surveillance data analysis, evaluation of a surveillance system, description of a health profile, scientific manuscripts for a peer review journal, abstracts for scientific presentation, proposal for epidemiological research project and another additional output report. To complete these outputs of work different methods were used. In chapter one two outbreaks were investigated one is Epidemiological description of unknown skin lesion outbreak in Jimma town, Ethiopia December 2019 and the other is Dengue Fever Outbreak Investigation in Millie Woreda, Zone one, Afar Region, Ethiopia, January 2020. In chapter two, three and four. Influenza Surveillance Data Analysis: Magnitude and distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) at Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College 2009-2019, Addis Ababa, Evaluation of National Laboratory based Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System and Health Profile Description of Bahirdar Zuria Woreda, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia 2019 included respectively. In chapter five and six one Manuscript titled with Hospital based epidemiology of influenza in Ethiopia: Descriptive analysis of Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) 2009-2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: and three abstracts is done respectively. In chapter seven research work on Performance of Laboratory Professionals working on Malaria Microscopy at public and privet Health facilities of malaria elimination districts North Shewa Zone Amhara Region, and finally, in chapter eight additional output report on Rapid Assessment report on Malaria epidemic affected Woredas of Tigray region January 2020 included.en-USEpidemiology,Outbreak InvestigationCompiled Body of Works in Field EpidemiologyThesis