Abdisa, Melese (PhD)Abera, Woinshet2022-04-152023-11-092022-04-152023-11-092011-05http:// experimen/ was conducled wilh an objeclive of assessing nUlrilional, organo/eplic and anlinulrienl conI en Is of fenugreek sllpplemenled and unsupplemenled Tef Injera. Therefore, Injera prepared jiwn Ihe blends conlaining differenl proporlions (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) of raw, roasled, soaked and germinaled fenugreek seed flour were evalualed for nulrilional composil ion and sensol), characlerislics. The proximale composition o.f fenugreek supp/emenled injera signijicanlly (p<0.05) increasedfor moiSlure, prolein, fal andjiber wilh blending ralio of 0%, 5% and 10%. The mean moisture, prolein, fat andjiber conlenl signijicanlly (p<0.05) increasedji-om 6.3 10 6.9 gl100g, 9.0810 10.4 gl100g, 1.61103.2 gi iOOg and 3.3103.7 gl100g respeclively. Conversely, Ihe nulrilional conlenls of lolal ash. carbohydrale, and energy generally significanlly (p<O. 05) decreased as blending proporlions increased ji-om conlrol (0%) 10 1O%, ji·ol/1 2.5 10 2.4 gl 100gfor ash. 77.110 73.5 gl 100gfor carbohydrale andfrom 375.3 10 368.8 kcal100gfor gross energy wilh Ihe blending proporlions ofO%, 5% and 10% respeclively. Whereas senso/)' characlerislics decreased wilh Ihe increasing level of fenugreek flour. The senso/)' resulls showed Ihal a maximum of 1 0% soaked and germinaledfenugreekflour could be inco/poraled 10 prepare acceplable quality injera, However 5 % of all Ireated and unlrealed fenugreek flour could be added in order 10 make acceplable quality injera. Supplemenlalion of raw, roasled, soaked and germinaled fenugreek flour 10 Tef flour increased the conlenls of prolein (10.2,9.6, 10.5 and 11.2 gI100g), /cil (3.0, 3.1, 4.4 and 4.1 g1100g), dietCII),jibre (3.4, 3.7,3.3 and 2.3 g1100g), lotal Ca (202.17, 236. 09, 447. 35and181. 05 mgl100 g) and tolal iron (13.39, 13.57, 11.76 and12.44 mgl l00g), respectively, al 10% level of subslilulion. The anlinulrilional faclors of fenugreek supplemenled injera significanlly (p<0.05) increased for lannin 2.05 10 11.7 ji-om conlrol (0%) 10 10%. Conversely, phytale conlenl significanlly (p<0. 05) decreased ji-om 150.62 10131.28 as blending proporlions increased ji-OI11 conlrol (0%) 10 10%. Supplemenlalion o/raw, row·led, soaked and germinaledfenugreek flour 10 Tef flour decreased Ihe conlenls of anlinulrilional /clclors lannin (11.25, 8.67, 6.64 and 4.31 I11g1100g), phylale (153 .46, 128.40, 144.13 and 128.32 I11gI JOOg) respeclively. Blend proportion had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the proximate composition o.f Ihe supplemented injera. Most of the proximate composition and the sensory characteristics score were high on the soaked and germinated jenugreek supplemented injera at the same level of supplementation. In general, the study indicated that blending soaked and germinatedfenugreek up to 10% and both treated and untreatedfenugreek up to 5% with Tejjlour could result in i/?jera o.f acceptable quality. Keywords: Antinutrienls; Fenugreek; 1njera; Nutritional; Sensol),; TefenAntinutrienlsFenugreekInjeraNutritionalSensolTefOrganoleptic and Nutritional Evaluation of Tefinjera Supplemented with Treated and Untreated Fenugreek (Trigonella Joenum-Graecum L.)Thesis