Fekadu, Abebawdu (MD, PhD)Makonnen, Eyasu (PhD)Wagaw, Lealem Minwuyelet2021-03-232023-11-062021-03-232023-11-062020-11http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/25638Introduction: Clinical trial is an extensive and demanding process, which takes approximately 10 to 15 years. Clinical trials require the active engagement of human subjects. Recruitment and retention of participants are two major challenges in conducting clinical trials. Poor recruitment and retention of participants in clinical trials can lead to major delays in the development of new products and interventions. This can also cause significant problems in the study validity as they could reduce the statistical power resulting in poor generalizability of the study. Objective: This study is aimed to identify potential challenges and strategies for enhancing recruitment and retention of participants in clinical trials in Ethiopia. Method: A qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach employed. Semistructured interviews were conducted face to face and through telephone. Interviewees were purposively selected from five candidate study sites which are Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Zewditu Memorial Hospital, University of Gondar, Jimma University, and Addis Ababa University. These sites were chosen primarily because most clinical trials conducted in and potential clinical investigator candidates were employed and affiliated there. Investigators, clinical coordinators, physicians, nurses, and participants involved in clinical trials were the study respondents. The sample size was determined using the criterion of informational redundancy. Of 22 potential respondents approached, 19 consented to the interview. An open-ended topic guide was developed to facilitate in-depth interviews with respondents with sufficient freedom to describe their experiences and perspectives that they deemed relevant to the research questions. Interviews were audio-recorded with consent. Transcriptions were entered into Open Code and coded. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: Nine of the respondents (47.4%) were females. Respondents were involved as principal investigators (n=5), trial coordinators (n=7), nurses (n=2), physicians (n=2) and trial participants (n=3). Thematic analysis resulted in a generation of 3 main themes and 10 sub-themes. Clinical trial team factors (communication and system-related), participants’ factors (communication and interest related), and study factors (complexity of the study and cost-related) were listed as challenges for recruitment and retention of trial participants. Additionally, four subthemes are mentioned under the three themes as a strategy for recruitment and retention of trial participants, such as promoting clinical trials, improving communication skills, refining the clinical trial setting system, and having a good estimation of cost. Potential challenges and strategies for recruitment and retention of participants in clinical trials were identified under each sub-themes. Poor communication skills, mistreating participants, and lack of knowledge about existing trials are considered to be clinical trial team factors. Also, misconceptions about the trial, low-level education, lack of social support, and participants’ moves around were revealed to be an important challenge among trial participants’ factors. Also study factors such as long questionnaires and assessment, stringent eligibility criteria, frequent appointment, and extra, and inconvenient procedures. However, a wide range of strategies was identified such as increasing awareness, choosing an appropriate trial site, provisions of training, reimbursement and compassionate respectful care, and establishing an efficient tracking system may be the most important interventions to improve recruitment and retention of trial participants. Conclusions: Poor knowledge about research, and complexity of trials were the greatest challenges for low recruitment and retention. Interventions to improve knowledge and provisions of training to the clinical trial team and having compassionate respectful care, providing compensation, increasing awareness in the community are important strategies to consider when designing and planning recruitment and retention plan.en-USChallenges, Strategies, Recruitment, Retention, Clinical trial participants, Qualitative and EthiopiaChallenges and strategies for recruitment and retention of participants in clinical trials in Ethiopia: a qualitative studyThesis