Banteyerga, Hailom (PhD)Hailemariam, Fikirte2018-07-112023-11-092018-07-112023-11-091996-06 purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which social and pedagogic factors influence the participation behaviours of (i) AAU freshman students in general; and (ii) relatively 'high', 'average' and 'low' classroom participators in particular. The sample population of the study were 180 AAU freshman students at the main and Arat Kilo campuses. Out of the 180 students fifteen students were selected randomly from a section and were described as 'high', 'average' and 'low' participators based on their measures of participation calculated from an analysis of lesson transcripts from video recordings. To obtain the necessary information, a questionnaire with thirty items was administered to the students in the study sample. The questionnaire consisted of 3 categories which aimed to find out the influences of (i) social factors; (ii ) pedagogic factors; and (iii) mixed social and pedagogic factors on students' participation behaviours. An interview was also conducted to obtain further information which could either consolidate or refute the information revealed through the questionnaire. The analysis of the students' :::-esponses to the questionnaire and the revelations brou5~~ O ~= by ~he interview seemed to indicate that both s ocial ana ~e~agcg~c :ao=ors have positive influences on the participa~ion oer.avlours of the majority of the students. Moreover, the pcs~tive influences of pedagogic factors were found to be greater than the positive influences of social fact ors. The negative influences of both social and pedagogic factors were reported by below 50% of the students. This study has also showed that the participation behaviours of the majority of the students were influenced by the mixed social and pedagogic factors. An attempt was also made to compare the extent to which social and pedagogic factors influence the participation behaviours of relatively 'high' , 'average' a::d 'low' participators. The study showed that there was no significant difference between the influences of s ocial and pedagogic factors for the 'high' and 'average' ~art~oiFa= o rs. Eowever' Pedagogic factors were found to have greater i ::: l~ences on the participation behaviours of 'low' participa~ors.enSocial and PedagogicThe Influences of Social and Pedagogic Factors on the Participation Behaviours of Aau Freshman StudentsThesis