Prof. Engidawork, Ephrem (PhD)Tsegaw, Hilina2022-07-132023-11-292022-07-132023-11-292022-06 cancer is the fifth most often diagnosed cancer and the third most frequent reasonforcancerdeath worldwide. InEthiopia, the survival status ofpatients diagnosed with gastric cancer was notwell understood. Thisstudy, therefore,aimedto determinetreatment outcomes and prognostic factorsfor survival status ofpatients diagnosed with gastric cancer at TikurAnbessaSpecialized Hospital,oncology unit; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.This hospital-based retrospective cohort study wasconductedon164 study participantsselected from patient’s registry between January 01, 2016 toDecember 31, 2020.Datawerecollected using a structured tool from medical records and telephoneinterviews.AKaplan–Meier survival analysis with a log-rank test and bivariate and multivariableanalysis using the Cox proportional hazard model wereused. The median (±SD)age of the studyparticipant at diagnosis was 48.50±14.48 years(range:18–87),withamale to female ratio of 1.8:1.Adenocarcinoma accounted for 73.8% of the cases. Regarding clinical-stage,92(56.1%) of thepatients were diagnosed with stage IV.About 39.6% (65) of thecases were treated with partialgastrostomyfollowed by bypass surgery. The commonest chemotherapy regimen was cisplatin withpaclitaxel (85, 51.8%) followed by cisplatin with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), and84 (51.2%) of the caseshad metastasized cancer, of which47 (28.7%) of them had liver metastasis.110(67.1%)of thepatients were dead at the end of the treatment follow-up.A5-yearoverall survival rate was 11% witha median survival time of 18.6 months.In multivariate logistic regression, ECOG ≥ 2, Adenocarcinomahistologic type,ovary metastasis, liver+lung metastasis,andpaclitaxel + carboplatinchemotherapywere found to significantly affect survival of thepatients.The survival outcome ofgastric cancer islowand requiresearly detection.en-USGastriccancer,chemotherapy,treatment outcome,survival,prognostic factorTreatment outcomes and Prognostic Factors for Survival inPatientswith Gastric Cancer at Adult Oncology Unit of Tikur AnbessaSpecialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThesis