Betre, Mulugeta (MD, MPH, Fellow)Temesgen, Tsegaab2018-10-242023-11-052018-10-242023-11-052017-11 Youth health is dependent on several complex and interdependent factors such as socio-cultural influences, social support structures (such as families, peers and communities), access to health services, education and employment opportunities. Objectives: To assess current utilization of reproductive health service and role of peer influence among regular undergraduate students of Wachamo University, Hosanna, SNNPR (Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region), Ethiopia. Methods: An institution based quantitative cross sectional study supplemented by qualitative method was conducted in Wachamo University, Hosanna, Hadiya zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia March, 2017. Multistage sampling method was used to select study subjects. A total of 389 study participants were selected for quantitative part. The data from the quantitative part of the study was entered in Epi info version 7 and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Whereas purposive sampling technique was used to select2interviewees for indepth interview which were health care providers and 40 regular undergraduate students in Hosanna campus of Wachamo University for 4 focus group discussions (FGD) . For the qualitative component, recorded data was transcribed and open code software was used to carry out content analysis, then results were triangulated with the quantitative findings. Results: From the total of 385 respondents, 227 (59%) utilized at least one of the reproductive health (RH)services in the past 6 months. sex(AOR=3, 95% CI: 1.15, 8.37), friend mentioned about importance of utilization of RH services(AOR=3.02, 95% CI: 1.19, 7.64), attitude of peer /friend on utilization of RH services(AO R=2.97, 95% CI: 1.11, 7.89), experience of discouragement not to use RH services(AOR=4.38, 95% CI: 1.44, 13.28) remained significantly and independently associated with current utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services (CI 95%, cut off point for significance level P<0.05). The main problems identified from the qualitative finding hindering the current utilization indicated were lack of awareness, fear of being seen and feeling ashamed ,shortage of equipment and skilled provider as well as small service provision rooms of the facility. Conclusion: In general, it was found that current RH services utilization among youth in this study area was low. Interventions such as improving knowledge of the youth with regard to SRH issues, strengthening youth and RH centers in the campus with necessary supplies as well as training of the staffs and peer educators should be sought.en-USundergraduate students ,reproductive health servicesCurrent utilization of reproductive health services and the role of peer influence among undergraduate students of wachamo university, hosanna, SNNPR, EthiopiaThesis