Assefa, Teklegioegis (Associate Professor)Legesse, Afework2019-03-192023-11-042019-03-192023-11-042018-05-06 study focuses on evaluating the performance of existing third party transporters using performance indicators. The research is descriptive study applying quantitative approach in which data was collected across a population through random and non-random sampling and uses descriptive statistics for the data analysis. The objective of the study is to analyze the performance of third party transporters and make recommendations on possible improvement areas. The study has revealed that the performance of the transporters is not similar across the performance indicators. The study shows that Vehicle Fill of the transporters performance is significantly above average with 83% performance rate all across the transporters. The study also signified Empty Running, On-Time-In-Full, Deviations from Schedule and Safety performance is different from transporters to transporter and the existing performance is far lower than the expected level. In conclusion given each of the stakeholders agree to work closely with high sense of cooperation and work appropriately on their areas of responsibilities, there is a potential to drive down the performance gaps. The performance measurement should be done properly by reviewing the performance of the transporters. If corrective measures are taken on the identified performance gaps, this can lead to great benefits and improvements. Based on the findings of the research it is recommended that Heineken should focus on continuously measuring the performance of the transporters. It should also organize experience sharing mechanisms among the transporters because this will provide an opportunity to learn from each other.en-USTransportersHeineken Breweries S.CEmpty RunningAnalysis on the Performance of Third Party Transporters: the Case of Heineken Breweries S.C.Thesis