Wole, Darge (Professor)G/slassie, Berihu2018-08-062023-11-182018-08-062023-11-182014-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/10972The objective of the study was to examine the effect of psychosocial adjustment, self-efficacy and admission test result on academic performance of first year students in Adwa Teacher Training College. The coping methods of students were also examined. Two hundred forty first year students (120 males and 120 females) were included in the study. The data were obtained using self-administered instrument: self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment scales and coping inventory. The three measuring instruments were adapted from previous related studies. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression and t-test were used to analyze the data. Personal- emotional adjustment was found to be one of the major psychosocial problems. In relation to coping strategy, emotion- focused method was the most frequently used one. The results showed that male students have significantly higher mean score in psychosocial adjustment and admission test result than females and female students have higher mean score in self-efficacy than males. Psychosocial adjustment and self-efficacy predicted the academic performance of the students, while admission test result didn’t. The results have implications for instructional practice. Instructors, for example, can enhance the academic performance of their students via designing relevant educational methods that may positively influence students’ behavior. Further research is recommended on examining the effect of the variables included in the present study and other variables like student socio-economic status, educational background and institutional factors (opportunities and constraints)en-USTeacher educationThe Effect of Psychosocial Adjustment, Self-efficacy and Admission Test Result on Academic Performance of First Year Students in Adwa College of Teacher EducationThesis