Bekele Endashaw (Professor)Asfaw Zemede (PhD)Tesfaye Kassahun2018-07-032023-11-082018-07-032023-11-081993 and isozyme diversity study of 55 emmer wheat (TriticuIII dicocculII (Schrank) Schub.) populations and the associated ethnobotanical knowledge in Arsi and Bale have been undertaken in this study. A total of 55 landrace populations (25-45 single plant per population which is a total of 1885 entries) were considered for mOlphological study. Protein content was determined for the 37 emmer wheat populations following the standard procedure. The dl)' malter, ash, organic matter and Ca were done for 55 emmer wheat population following the standard protocol. The isozyme variations in the three enzyme systems: esterase (EST), acid phosphatase (ACP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AA T) were investigated for 12 emmer wheat populations selected after clustering them on mOlphological characters. Mean, coefficient of variations, heritability, genetic advance, correlation coefficients cluster analysis, chi- square test, multidimensional scaling, and discriminant analysis were done for each mOlphological character. Correspondence analysis and Shannon's diversity index (H,) were used to estimate the morpholOgical variation. The coefficient of variation was large for most traits in Shewa indicating more diversity in this region. This was further confirmed by Shannon's diversity index where the mean diversity (H ') was the highest in this region (0.78) followed by Harerghe and Gonder, the least diversity index was shown by Tigray region. H' at population level ranged frOIll O(lIIonomOlphic) to 1 (poIYIIIOlphic) for sOllie traits. The overall mean diversity for Ethiopia was estimated to be H' ~ 0.75. Farlllers in the study area assert/hat emmer wheat is mOlphologically uniform and this was confirmed through field observation. This crop has important traits in disease resistance, stress tolerance and traditional use values. Fanners in Arsi and Bale regions have their own folklore, songs, and sayings on this particular crop to indicate its use value and problems related with its hulledness. Phenotypic polymO/phism was observed for the three ellZymes. Relatively higher variation was observed for esterase ellZyme i>ystem and no variation was detected for enzyme system aspartate amino transferase (AAT). Positive (though not significant) correlation was observed between mOlphological diversity index and mean heterozygosity based on isozyme data. The Arsi and Bale area niakes an important in-situ conservation site for em/ner wheat because of the specialty of the crop to the society. Key words: Triticum dicoccum, emmer wheat diversity, morphological character, protein, isozyme, ethnobotanyenTriticum dicoccumemmer wheat diversitymorphological characterproteinisozymeethnobotanyMorphological and Biochemical Diversity of Emmer Wheat (Triticum Dicoccum (Schrank) Schub.) in EthiopiaThesis