Alene, Mulugeta (PhD)Molla, Misgan2018-07-092023-11-092018-07-092023-11-092017-06http:// Kinetal area is one of the four exposed Neoproterozoic inliers in northern Ethiopia that consists of both Tsaliet and Tambien Group. The metavolcanic rock consists of metabasic and meta-acidic rocks, whereas metavolcanoclastic unit consists of metagreywacke, welded tuff, and metabreccia that belong to Tsaliet Group. Tambien Group consists of lower slate, lower limestone, upper slate and upper limestone. The integration of structural, petrological and geochemical studies has been carried out to understand the petrogenic evolution and tectonic setting of the area. The field and microscopic structural data analysis shows that there are at least three phases of deformation: The first phase of deformation (D1) is associated with the formation of pervasive regional foliation and minor tight folds; the second phase of deformation (D2) is responsible for the formation of crenulation cleavages; the third phase of deformation (D3) was followed by latter brittle deformation. The presence of relict texture, preserved primary structures (bedding and cross bedding) and certain mineral assemblages such as chlorite, epidote, muscovite, sericite and albite indicates that the rocks in the study area experienced very low to low grade of metamorphism that belong to green schist facies. The overall geochemical characteristics of the metavolcanic rocks display calcalkaline affinity. The discrimination diagram of Th-Hf-Ta suggested that the metavolcanics were developed in volcanic arc tectonic setting. The micrograntic intrusions display high potassium calcalkaline and peraluminous affinity and the discrimination diagrams of Ta -Yb, Rb – Yb + Ta, and Rb – Y + Nb of suggested that the micrograntic intrusions were developed in volcanic arcs . This is consistent with tectonic environment of metavolcanic rocks. The various chemical indices such as CIA, CIW, PIA, K2O/Al2O3, Th/U and ACNK diagram suggested that the metasediments have been subjected to intermediate degree of chemical weathering. The analyzed metasediments are most likely derived from intermediate igneous rock source and the discrimination diagram of Th - Co - Zr/10 suggested that the sediments were deposited in the oceanic island arc tectonic setting. Key words: Deformation, Foliation, Metamorphism, Metasediment, Metavolcanic Neoproterozoic and PetrographyenDeformationFoliationMetamorphismMetasedimentMetavolcanic Neoproterozoic and PetrographyThe Geology and Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic Rock Units in Mai Kinetal Area, Northern Ethiopia: Implication for Petrogenetic and Tectonic SettingThesis