Kassahun, Fesseha (PhD)Woldmichael, Berhanu2018-06-202023-11-092018-06-202023-11-091999-06http:// the solutions of the qualltulIl Langevin equations, we calculate the variances of the quadrature operators for the cavity mode, the squeezing spectrulI/, spectrulll of intensity fluctuatiolls alld the power spectrum of the output mode produced by two-level atoll/s interacting with a single cavity mode, driven by a coherent light and coupled to a squeezed vacuum reservoir. Employing the same solutions, we obtain the antillorll/ally ordered characteristic jilllctioll defined ill the Heisellberg picture. With the aid of the resultillg characteristic jill/ctioll, we determille the Q jill/ctioll which is thell used to calculate the lIleall alld variallce of the photollllulllber as well as the photolllllllllber distributioll of the output modeenAtoms with a Cavity ModeInteractions of Two-Level Atoms with a Cavity ModeThesis