Andinet Worku (PhD)Tarekegn Buche2024-01-292024-01-292023-06 reason of this consider was to degree the relationship between service qualities on customer fulfillment in relation to ethio telecom a case of SWAAZ shops. The consider has utilized the SERVQUAL demonstrate of service quality with the application of the five service quality measurements. These five measurements of service quality utilized to degree the level of customer’s fulfillment in ethio telecom SWAAZ shop deals area. A quantitative approach was utilized in this consider and different relationship and relapse examination apparatuses were utilized. This considers could be a expressive and illustrative ponder. Both primary and secondary strategies of information collection are connected and examiner is utilized as a source of auxiliary information. From the normal add up to populace of 451 a sample of 212 respondents was chosen employing a non-probability sampling method which is helpful inspecting. A respondent was chosen employing a non-probability testing strategy which is helpful inspecting. Both expressive and inferential measurements have been utilized to discover cruel score and to test speculation and to examine investigate issue, targets. Pearson relationship examination was conducted to look at the relationship between service quality measurements and customer fulfillment. The correlation comes about appear that the most noteworthy correlation was found between responsiveness and certainty, and the most reduced relationship was found between certainty and specificity. In this ponder both the heading and degree of the relationship between the measurements of service quality and customer fulfillment is decided utilizing the Pearson relationship coefficient. The comes about is how that All the service quality measurements (Tangibility, Unwavering quality, responsiveness, compassion but affirmations are critical positive affect on customer fulfillment. In spite of the fact that all the five measurements are critical, reliability and responsiveness are the primary two measurements of service quality that have a strong and positive noteworthy effect on customer fulfillment. The overview comes about appear that all perspectives of service quality (accessibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy but assurance) have a critical positive affect on client fulfillment. Relapse investigation appears that sympathy and specificity have the most noteworthy effect on customer fulfillmenten-USSWAAZTangibilityRelationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Ethio Telecom in Case of Swaaz ShopThesis