Larson, CharlesDessie, Tadele2018-07-312023-11-182018-07-312023-11-181989-05 is a study of hospital treated motor vehicle injuries occurring in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Injuries are desc ribed in terms of their circumstance, type, and consequence . Drivers caus ing injury and their vehicles were compared with randomly selected control drivers in order to identify important driver and vehicle determinants of injury. The investigation was carried out between August 21, 1988 and November 12, 1988. During the twelve week period of study, 1050 hospital treated injuries were identified, for an overall incidence density of 279.4 per 100,000 person years. The mortality rate was 17.6 per 100,000 populati on per year and these fatalities accounted for an estimated 11,154 years of potential life l ost before age 65. The annua l vehi c le inflicted injury i ncidence density rate was 94 .6 in j u r i es pe r 1,000 cars registered. The majori t y ( 90 . 6%) of the injured we re pedestrians and 48.9% were between 11 and 30 years of age. The commonest body parts affected was multiple parts (43.6%), the extremities (26.5%) and the head (22.0%). The most frequent type of injur ies were l acerations (42.1.%) and fractures (14.9%). Driver characteristics plac ing an individual at increased risk of inflicting injury were mal e gender, under age 25 with less than 5 years driving e xperiences , a nd being pri vately employed with a taxi o r sma ll bu s d ri vers licence. Elevated risks were also f ound fo r the following motor vehicle characteristics; buses, taxis, privat e ownershipenMotor VehicleThe Occurrence and Determinants of Motor Vehicle Injuries in Addis AbabaThesis