Seme, Assefa (PhD)Tefera, Mahlet2018-09-182023-11-052018-09-182023-11-052016-06 Comprehensive abortion care holds particular promise for Africa where abortion-related morbidity and mortality are high [2]. In Ethiopia, the service is available and is semi legalized with listed indications. One of the method for terminating pregnancy is medication abortion. In many developing countries pharmacy employees, many with no training in medication abortion sell the pills without prescription [4]. In this study we examined the pattern of knowledge and practice of pharmacists on medication abortion in private pharmacies Addis Ababa using mystery client study. Methods A descriptive cross sectional design was used using both facility based assessment and mystery client observation. From 8 sub cities that were selected randomly 84 pharmacies were chosen by an equal probability systematic sampling. Facility based data collection was done using interview with the pharmacist then after a month undercover clients returned to these pharmacies to gather data using observation. A bivariate analysis was conducted to examine pharmacy workers’ behavior, and dispensing practices and P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results All pharmacies that were visited provide medication abortion service. In the facility based data 8(10.3%) said they give the service using prescription, but in the mystery client study none of the pharmacists asked for prescription to give the service. Concerning dosage of drugs only 33(71.74%) told the women the correct dose of the drug. Discussion The overall practice of the care providers in this study show that even if the law does not allow for pharmacists to provide medical abortion drugs without prescription, over-the-counter sales without prescriptions is widespread. Conclusions Access to medical abortion has significantly increased in private pharmacies but knowledge and practice regarding medication abortion provision is sub-optimal among pharmacists. Recommendation It is recommended that focus should be given in addressing the most vulnerable groups in the community by creating awareness concerning constitution and technical guideline of safe abortionenPattern of Knowledge and Practice of Pharmacists RegardingPattern of Knowledge and Practice of Pharmacists Regarding Medication Abortion in Private Pharmacies in Addis Ababa Ethiopia: a Mystery Client StudyThesis