Asres, Abitie (PhD)Rahel, Fekadu2021-02-112023-11-042021-02-112023-11-042020-10 Research Thesis Submitted to Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in ManagementThe purpose of this research was to assess the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practice of Ethiopian Floriculture Firms: The Case of Floriculture Firms around Debre Zeyit. Data were gathered from a ZK flower PLC, Roshanara Rose plc, and the community around floriculture. The research is a quantitative and qualitative research approach using a Cross-sectional survey method and the researcher employed probability and non-probability sampling technique to select the sample from each firm and to make the sample more representative of the population. The data was analyzed using Likert Scales. For statically interpretation frequency and percentage was used because expressed the qualitative data and more descriptive and the perspectives of CSR are not interrelated each other. Statically Packages for Social Science software was used since it is appropriate to the study. Finding of the Study has shown that ZK flowers PLC and Roshanara Rose plc have low practice of CSR activities in different aspects such as protecting the environment, involvement of community support Controlling pollutions and waste management system by using treatment plant and recycling the materials to minimize the degree of risk of tolerance. But the government doesn’t strengthen the legal and ethical aspects of CSR of floriculture firms in the areas. In addition, there is no clear strategies and policy of CSR in ZK flowers PLC and Roshanara Rose plc and there is the challenges of CSR in floriculture firms such as there is no concrete policy and standards how to practice and the Ethiopian government and institutions and the awareness of societies for CSR is very low. Hence, ZK flowers PLC and Roshanara Rose plc should periodically review their practice of corporate social responsibility in order to improve and keep the environment from hazards and pollutionenCorporate social responsibilityEconomic responsibilityEthical responsibilityPhilanthropic responsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practice of Ethiopian Floriculture Firms: The Case of Floriculture Firms around Debre ZeyitThesis