Tibebu Assefa (PhD)Ametu Mohammed Oumer2023-12-132023-12-132022-11-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/845Active frontages have high value for city development. However in Addis Ababa fence properties, blind walls and streets which make its frontage inactive and repressive for citizen, passersby and visitors. Blind walls or street frontages with few openings are deterring. The study aims to measure active frontage level of Addis Ababa city. Active frontage level in Addis Ababa city was identified on field observation and by applying Arc GIS software digitize and give attribute of each frontage level data obtained from field survey,(captured photos in walk-along), analyze, interpret, map out active frontage level map and rated active frontage level. Accordingly the city has been rated frontage level from A to E. Where frontage level A is full of widows and inviting and frontage level E is for passive frontage. The study investigated that the level of active frontage level in Addis Ababa city was depends on street type, building function, fence and building structure. The result showed that 85.6% of AA is passive while 14.4% % is active. The study found that from the total active street segments in Addis Ababa city 55.6% is both side active streets and 44.4% is one side active streets either right or left side. This shows that even the active streets in Addis Ababa city are not fully active. So the responsible body needs to take action by identifying potential active area by issuing relevant regulation and redistributing magnet buildingsenActive frontage, passive frontage, active frontage level mapMapping the Level of Active Frontage in Addis Ababa city, EthiopiaThesis