Mohammed, Seid (PhD)Selam, Abebe2020-08-182023-11-042020-08-182023-11-042020-01 Thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment for the Degree Master of Science in Management Specialized in Quality Management and Organizational ExcellenceDeveloping countries are dependent on the growth and development of physical infrastructures and construction industry plays a vital role for countries like Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to understand the practice of MMC in Addis Ababa housing sector. This research is conducted to assess the role of MMC implementation on the performance of construction projects on selected residential buildings in Addis Ababa. It is descriptive and qualitative in kind. Qualitative approach was Chosen because, there are fewer projects that have used MMC, MMC is new to Ethiopian building sector and to explore the experiences of MMC in-depth. Interview was used as an instrument of data collection. The research analysis shows how effective a MMC is on the project time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction parameters of construction projects of selected residential buildings. To select the respondent purposive data sampling technique was applied by checking the availability of the data, since the term is not well known. Qualitative analysis is used to describe the benefits of implementing MMC, and its effectiveness on time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction parameters of the contractors’ projects. The finding of the research elaborates that MMC is more effective on internal factors time, cost, and quality of the contractors’ construction projects.enconstruction in Ethiopia and construction quality in EthiopiaIndustrialized Building System, housing delivery in Ethiopiaoffsite construction, pre fabricationModern Method of ConstructionThe Role Of Modern Method Of Construction Implementation On Construction Performance: The Case Of Selected Residential Buildings In Addis AbabaThesis