Tesgaye, Anteneh (PhD)Teshome, Betelhem2019-02-122023-11-082019-02-122023-11-082018-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/16364The purpose of this study was to explore how sensationalism was addressed with respect to harmonizing Amharic commercial advertisement clips aired on EBC with language use and cultural values. More specifically, it focused on addressing the major themes of the study (language use, emotive language use, clip contents, reflecting Ethiopian cultural values, realistic versus exaggeration, perceived impacts of the ads and recommendations for making the ads sensational). The study employed a mixed method approach to answer the research questions. Qualitative data were collected through clip content analysis of 15 commercials and three individual in-depth interviews with advertising agency managers. The quantitative component was designed to explore the audiences’ perception towards the ads with respect to the themes. One hundred questionnaires were administered to the audiences of Addis Ababa City Administration using quota sampling that took 10 informants from each sub cities. The reliability was calculated to be 0.875. The qualitative findings of the study revealed that most of the advertisements did not critically consider the dominant cultural values of the Ethiopian society. This can be seen easily through use of values in the advertisements that contradict or negate the salient values of the society. The findings further suggest that most of the ads are exaggerated one or often make use of false claims to advertise the quality of a product. With respect to language use, the findings suggest that majority of the commercials lack clarity and directness in conveying their messages. The quantitative findings show that half of the respondents (SA=9% and AG=41%: DA=29% and SD=8%) witnessed that the commercials often employ vague language to convey message. Majority of the respondents (SA=9% and AG=20%: DA=29% and SD: 19%) disprove the commercials employ images which are illustrative of collaboration, togetherness and team work in their production. Majority of them (SA=11% and AG=50%: DA=22% and SD= SD=10%) believed that the commercials and actions of the characters depict politeness. However, they disproved (SA=8% and AG=24%: DA=32% and SD=18%) that the commercials manifest respect to Ethiopian culture.Majority of the informants (SA=36% and AG=23%: DA=18% and SD=5%) agree that the commercials employ appeals of emotion to persuade the audience. However, significant number of them SA=14% and AG=22%: DA=34% and SD=13%) disprove the fact that the commercials use of appeals of logic to persuade the audience. Majority number of the respondents (SA=9% and AG=25%: DA=27% and SD=27%) disprove the fact that selections of advertising setting are representative of the Ethiopian culture. Similarly, it was also disproved by majority of the respondents (SA=7% and AG=13%: DA=28% and SD=28%) that stories selected for the message of the advertisements are chosen taking into consideration of the life style of Ethiopian society. Significant majority of the informants (SA=6% and AG=18%: DA=29% and SD=31%) disproved the argument that the commercials present realistic facts in revealing the attributes of the advertised products. Possible recommendations are given based on the findingsenEBC with language useand cultural values. More specificallyAn Investigation into Amharic Advertising Clips Aired on Ebc: Consideration on Sensetionalism With Respect To Ethiopian Cultural Values and Language UseThesis