Befekadu Zeleke (PhD)Erena Dadi Kene2023-12-132023-12-132023-06 purpose of this study was to examine conflict generating factors between teachers and principals in Government primary schools of Kuyu Woreda, North Shewa Zone. To attain the objectives of the study, descriptive research designs, quantitative and qualitative research approach was used. The study was carried out on six Government primary schools that were selected using simple random sampling technique. A total of 142 respondents: among teachers, principals, supervisors, PTA and Teachers association chairman from Kuyu Woreda North Shewa Zone of oromia Regional State. Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were the instrument of data collection. Mean and Standard deviation were used to analyze quantitative data and qualitative data were analyzed by organize, summarize and interpret then by narration. Based on the result of analysis, the majority of teachers hasseen as conflict badly and should be minimized while principal’s perceived conflict as good when managed effectively. The result of the study further revealed that conflict has bothconstructive and destructive outcomes in the Schools. The study concluded that, poor performance evaluation, difference in values, difference in believes and attitude, poor working conditions and inappropriate reward system were the cause of Conflict. In addition to these , disagreement in direction, unfair distribution of task, lack of clear authority structure, hinder in decision making and reluctant on professional commitment were among the major cause of conflicts. The points that suggested as recommendations were: principals should seek to address interpersonal conflict before they foster or develop in to serious problems and the educational management board should organize workshops, seminars, and conferences from time to time to educate and aware teachers and principals on work ethics consequences of conflicts.enConflict Causes and Management Between Teachers and Principals in Government Primary SchoolsConflict Causes and Management Between Teachers and Principals in Government Primary Schools of Kuyu Woreda, North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State.Thesis