Daniel, Tilahun (PhD)Wudie, Dagnew2019-06-042023-11-042019-06-042023-11-042016-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/18402The paper will study the influence of material on surface damage on the wheel - rail materials The study begins with identifying basic criteria to select an appropriate steel materials for wheel and rail among different alternatives. The basic criteria are cost, material compositions, mechanical properties such as tensile strength, proof load, fatigue strength, toughness by using the criteria two pair of wheel- rail material selected (AS4140-V1657) and (C74-U75V) comparing with AALRT wheel - rail material (CL60&U71MN) Next analyzing and identifying the stresses on the wheel –rail contact due to the load to predict and minimize failures caused. the 3D model has done on modeling package of CATIAV5R16. Assembly model has created in assemble workbench of CATIA after individual wheel and rail had created on part work bench after the assembly is accomplished on CATIA. it was imported in to the ANSYSR14.5 to analyze the stress caused by vertical load. During the analysis of wheel/rail contact in ANSYS software, the parameters have been used axle load, displacement, heat fulx, heat convection. From ANSYS software simulation the results obtained for the one wheels-rail contact show that, (AS4140&V1657) has excellent strength, toughness and good resistance to thermal damage due to better hardness than (CL60-U71MN ) &(C74&U75V). Therefore, the (AS4140&V1657) steel materials can be applied to wheel - rail in the railway systems.en-USSurface DamageWheel/Rail ContactMaterialInfluences of Material on Surface Damage at Wheel/Rail ContactThesis