Hayal, HayalYilma Bekele, Yordanos2019-04-172023-11-082019-04-172023-11-082019-01http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/18002The streets of Addis Ababa are found in the lowest international standard. Akaki Kality is one of the 10 sub cities in Addis Ababa situated in the southern part of the city center. In Early periods the sub city was demarcated for the industrial zone. The existence of different industries and quarry sites with heavy traffic has more exposed the sub city streets to air and noise pollution than the other sub cities in Addis Ababa. The study investigated the street from Kality Drivers and Mechanics Training Center to Kality Total gas station. The research analyzed the potential and better usage of multifunctional streetscapes for resilience, the major problems in the street, and the degree of communication and interaction with people and the street. The collected data has been analyzed by quantitative and qualitative data analysis method. Finally, according to the findings, a design is generated with specifications and design guidelines of multifunctional streetscape for resilience in the Street as a prototype for designing a streetscape. Keywords: , , ,enMultifunctionalStreetscapeResilienceGreen StreetGreen InfrastructurePOTENTIAL OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL STREETSCAPE FOR RESILIENCE: THE CASE OF KALITYThesis