Tekeba, MenoreTamir, Kassahun2018-06-282023-11-042018-06-282023-11-042014http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4509Multi-source multi-sink wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have got variety of application in areas that need to detect multiple environmental monitored parameters using a single sensor field/network. This type of WSN, beside its limited resources such as energy limitation like any WSNs are, has unique characteristics for instance network congestion, since multiple sensor nodes can send data to multiple/single sink at the same time. Research works on WSNs are not matured and well-developed. There are a number of research issues that are not yet addressed. In particular reliable data transmission and energy efficiency of WSNs are among those that are the decisive and unsolved ones as much as required. So energy efficiency is increased for multi-source multi-sink type WSNs without affecting a 100% reliable data transmission. In this thesis work, reliable data transmission is ensured by employing hop-by-hop (in every hop) loss detection and recovery. Much energy lost due to idle listening is solved using pre-scheduling i.e. sleep and active periods of nodes are pre-scheduled. These ideas are implemented using Network Simulator (NS-2) simulator. The simulation and experimental results show that the new protocols perform well under various conditions and protocol parameter settings. This paper provides 100% reliable data transmission and reduces the energy nearly by 50% that can be wasted by IEEE 802.11. Reliability is assured by employing hop-by-hop loss detection and recovery using a hybrid of NACK and ACK-based approach. Since NACK-based scheme cannot handle the unique case where all packets in a communication are lost, we used a last single ACK feedback to make the sender sure that all packets are received successfully. We can save more energy by employing SMAC; however, the network performance such as throughput and latency of SMAC is very poor. But in this thesis work energy saving is next to reliability and network performance. Keywords: energy efficient sleep scheduling, idle listening, multi-source multi-sink wireless sensor networks, reliable data transmission, wireless sensor networksenEnergy Efficient Sleep SchedulingIdle ListeningMulti-Source Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor NetworksReliable Data TransmissionWireless Sensor NetworksReliable Data Transmission and Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling for Mult-Source Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor NetworksThesis