Nimona Shaka (Ass.Prof.)Yemisrach Lakew2024-11-202024-11-202024-06 substances are composites or chemicals that cause health and social problems (containing addiction). Substance use by youths causes a massive burden on individuals, families, and communities. The objective of this research is to assess the prevalence, factor, and psychological consequences of psychoactive substance use among students in the Kolfe Keraniyo sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. An Institution-based cross-sectional study conducted from May 1, 2023- May 30, 2023, among 394 students who attended at Kolfe Keraniyo sub-city using multi-stage sampling techniques. Data entered into the Epi-data version 3.1 and data analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 26. The SPSS analysis employed both descriptive (mean, standard deviation, and proportion) and Inferential statistics such as chi-square test of association assess the association between psychoactive substance usage across various independent variables of the study. The p-values of 0.05 or lower taken to declare the presence of association between two variables. This study conducted with 394 respondents, with a response rate of 98.71%. Based on the analysis, this study revealed that the prevalence of psychoactive substance user among high school students were 117 (30.5%). Of this 25.5%, 22.1%, 24.0%, 3.10%, and 3.4% were used alcoholic drink, cigarette, kchat cannabis, and other psychoactive substances in their lifetime respectively. Similarly, about 78 (66.67%) male and 39 (33.33%) female students use substance in their lifetime. Living conditions of students (p = 0.000), student’s family conditions (p = 0.000), family members using substance (p = 0.000), and friends using substance (p = 0.000) were statistically associated with substance use in high school students. Health experts, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and religious leaders should work together to educate high-school students about the risks and consequences of psychoactive substances to reduce frequency of psychoactive substance use among students. Keywords: Psychoactive Substance, High school, Student, Kolfe keraniyo sub-cityPsychoactive Substance, High school, Student, Kolfe keraniyo sub-cityenPsychoactive SubstanceHigh schoolStudentKolfe keraniyo sub-cityPrevalence, Contributing Factors, and Psychological Consequences of Psychoactive Substance Use among High School Students in Kolfe Keraniyo Sub-City, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThesis