Tizazu, Getnet (PhD)Fitsum, Molla2019-01-152023-11-102019-01-152023-11-102011-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/15728The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice of female affirmative action program implementation in three selected secondary schools in Western zone of Tigray Regional state. To this end, school principals (N= 7) and teachers (N= 12) were selected purposively, because these principals and teacher shave detail information about Female Affirmative Action Program, and female students (N=207) were selected using random sampling technique. In order to collect relevant data from respective participants, questionnaire and interview were employed. A questionnaire with 12 items was prepared and administered to all school principals; another questionnaire with 13 items was administered 10 all selected teachers. In addition, still another questionnaire with 14 items was designed and distributed to all selected female students. For detail information, interview was conducted with 6 female student participants who were selected using random sampling technique (2 from each school who were voluntary to participate in the interview). Furthermore, the students' result from record office was taken as a source of data. In order to analyze the data collected using the above three instruments: questionnaire, interview and document, the quantitative and qualitative method of analysis were used. The data obtained through questionnaires and documents were analyzed using quantitative method. Accordingly, mean, frequency and percentage were computed. The data obtained through interview was analyzed using qualitative method; and qualitative description and narrations were made. Results of the study depict that the implementation offemale affirmative action program has become active in the beginning of the academic year; In addition, the program has never been practiced continuously throughout the academic year. In its opportunity, female students have recognized the relevance of the program and are aware of its positive impact in their successesenFemale Affirmative Action Program Topromote Educational EquityThe Practice of Female Affirmative Action Program Topromote Educational Equity in Secondary Schools of Western Zoneof TigrayThesis