Chane, Abraraw(PhD)Zeleke, Girmaw2019-04-092023-11-042019-04-092023-11-042018-11-07 current modern dynamic world, data centers have become very complex and have completely integrated themselves into every aspect of their implied organization. Business organizations require Core banking applications to be available at any part of the day or night. These organizations have realized that with centralized computing and highly available components, their technological presence with customers can be greatly enhanced. Today, many organizations largely depend on projects to achieve their strategic objectives. Accordingly, CBE data center project invested huge capital and tried to implement project. However, the project has faced major challenges during project implementation. The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges of Data center project implementation in the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. Descriptive research approach is selected for this study. Data were collected for the study using questionnaire, documentation, physical observation and interview. The collected Data was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive analysis technique. The top four challenges are power and cooling challenges, lack of SLA contractors and service providers, management influence on project team site and space decision, and internal constraints or factors that affect the performance and operation of the project. The research findings will give insight for those organizations in Ethiopia which plan to construct new data center by addressing the challenges properly. Based on this finding, recommendations are made to overcome these challenges. This research helps to identify the major challenges in implementation of the data center projects and what constraints are on hand to construct new data Centre in commercial Bank of Ethiopia.en-USData CenterIT Data center projectProject ManagementChallenges of Data center project implementationThe Challenges of Data Center Project Implementation: The Case of Commercial Bank of EthiopiaThesis