Shibre, Zewdie (PhD)W/Mariam, Tesfanesh2018-11-062023-11-042018-11-062023-11-042016-10 fruit and vegetable market has been one of the fastest growing of all agricultural markets. this time, Ethiopia agricultural marketing system is often accused in the popular press of being inefficient and unproductive. As poor infrastructure, inefficient marketing systems because of that reduce demand from consumers, who face significant challenges in seizing opportunities to participate in growing markets for high value, nutritious crops like fruits and vegetables. Marketing constraints include both high costs and risk. In line with this, the main objective of the study was to assess the challenges and potential of agribusiness in Ethiopia in case fruits and vegetables marketing in company of Et-fruit in Addis Ababa region, with specific objectives to assess the challenges and potential of fruits and vegetable and assess the benefits prevailing in operating fruits and vegetables market in case fruits and vegetables marketing share company. This study was focus on Et- fruit company managers, employee, wholesalers and retailer in Addis Ababa region. The Instrument planned to be used in this research for primary data collection was the survey structured questionnaires and secondary data was collected from the publications by employing both qualitative and quantitative data. A self –administered questionnaire has been distributed to 16 purposive selected samples and to 170 randomly selected samples totally to 186 samples analysis was made based on the data collected. The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics with the support of statistical software program that has Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 22) for analyses and summarization purposes. Results were discussed and analyzed by employing, tables, mean, std. deviation, graphs and qualitatively depending on the type of data manually interpret. The findings based on, major critical challenges of Fruits and Vegetable marketing responded by managers and employee, finding responded by wholesaler and retailer on challenges of fruits and vegetables market, democratic background and Discussion based on secondary data on potential and challenges of fruits and vegetables marketing and the importance of establishment of the company focus on literature review. The paper concludes on major critical challenge, potential, improving performance and the advantage from the establishment of the company fruits and vegetables marketing. Finally, the researcher recommended company Partnering with other entities that are well placed both to deliver market services to market users and customers, and also sharing experiences and best practices with other stakeholders and other company and it should be transparent information on price and develop the skill of employee by giving short term and long term training. Key Words: fruits, vegetables, marketing, potential, challengeenfruitsvegetablesmarketingpotentialchallengeAssessment of the Potential and Challenges of Agribusiness Marketing in Ethiopia: The Case of Fruits and Vegetables Marketing in the Addis Ababa Region, Focusing on ET-FRUITThesis