Wetro, Legesse (PhD)Mekonnen, Getachew2018-06-262023-11-092018-06-262023-11-092007-07http:// began by considering Dirac equation to derive the inverse compton scattering cross section in strong magnetic field and this cross section has simple form for the scattering of a low frequency photon with relativistic electron. We also derived the spectrum function from this cross section,which has a direct application on the hardening of thermal photons(soft x-rays)through inverse compton scattering by relativistic electron beams on the surface of strongly magnetized neutron stars to get the highest scattered photon energy of magnitude: !f = 4 2!i for the incident photon angle i = and scattered photon angle f = 0 which can give hard x-ray spectrum in the energy range of 12KeV-50MeV by considering soft X-ray as incident photon and to get this spectrum the electron energy for pulsars(rotating Neutron stars)is considered as well. And we showed the application of Inverse compton scattering in X-ray Astronomy during Roche Lobe overflow and formation of Accretion disc in the compact object in our case(Strongly magnetized Neutron stars)enA Possible Mechanism for Hard x-Ray productionInverse Compton Scattering in strong Magnetic Field: a Possible Mechanism for Hard x-Ray production from Accreting Neutron starsThesis