Baye, Kaleab (PhD)Hassen, Tadiwos2022-04-132023-11-092022-04-132023-11-092019-06http:// Women of reproductive age (WRA) in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) are at high ri sk of inadequate intake of micronutrie nts due to diet being dominated by sta rchy staples. Collection of information on dietary diversity to inform food security and nutritional assessments has been promoted, but there is not an agreed upon set of indicators in usc. Recently minimum dietary diversity women (MDD-W) endorsed for women, which dictate taking a minimum of five from ten-food groups. However, little is known about MDD-W predictive ability for quality of women's diet in SSA including Ethiopia. Objective: This study investigated the associ at ion between dietary di versity score, anemia, iron, zinc and vitamin A status among women of reproductive age in West Gojjam and Agew Awi zone in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Methods: The study conducted in seven kebeles in Bahir Dar Zuria and Dangla District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Case control study design employed among anemic and non-anemic women of reproductive age (WRA). About 179 WRA were part icipated in the study. Data on socio-demographic status and dietary diversity using 24-hr recall , and validated food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) collected. Results: The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia, zinc deficiency and vitam in A defi ciency for both groups in average were 18.4 %( serum ferritin < 30~g/L), 65 %( 70 ~g/L) and was 12.4 %« 0.81 ~mo IlL), respectively. The overall MDD-W for the WRA was 3.00± 0.757 and the percentage of WRA who achieved minimum dietary diversity (~ 5 food groups) was only 3%. All biomarkers, except serum transferrin receptor, had pos itive association with dietary diversity. Conclusions: The finding of the study indicates high prevalence of iron and zinc defic iencies in both groups ofWRA, while from the total , 97 % ofWRA failed to fulfill MDD. Low prevalence of vitamin A also observed. There is sign ificant association between DDS and selected biomarkers. Si nce both groups had low dietary diversity score, MDD-W could not predict the diet quali ty. Therefore, programs that focus on impro vi ng micronutrient intake through stimulating dietary diversity and fortification of commonly consumed and affordable food products might be needed. In addition to these modern technologies like on-farm di versity, contribute towards improving dietary diversity and qual ity. Keywords: Minimum dietary diversity, women of reproduct ive age, micronutrientsenMinimum dietary diversitywomen of reproduct ive agemicronutrientsAssociation between Dietary Diversity Score, Anemia, Iron, Zinc and Vitamin a Biomarkers among Women of Reproductive Age in Selected District of West Gojjam and Agew Awi, Amhara Region, EthiopiaThesis