Mekonnen, Alemu (PhD)Ginbo, Tsegaye2018-12-072023-11-192018-12-072023-11-192014-06 study presents an empirical investigation of climate change, variability and adaptation strategies’ impacts on households’ multidimensional food security in rural villages of southern Ethiopia. For this purpose, Two-stage Least Square estimation framework is employed based on cross-sectional data collected from 148 households. Food security index constructed from various indicators representing four dimensions of food security indicates substantial food insecurity problem among sample households. Empirical results reveal that climate change and variability affect households’ food security. Higher temperature and unfavorable rainfall conditions have significant negative impact on household food security. Results also show that education, access to agricultural extension, credit, climate information and market significantly enhance adaptation decisions. Moreover, results confirm that climate adaptation strategies namely soil and water conservation, modern varieties and crop diversification are effective in mitigating climatic risks and ensuring household food security. Consequently, programs enhancing households’ skills, awareness, adaptations decision and farm yield would be helpful.enImpacts of Climate ChangeHousehold Food SecurityImpacts of Climate Change, Variability and Adaptation Strategies on Household Food Security in Southern EthiopiaThesis