Abebe Dinku (Prof.)Mahlet Abebe2023-12-052023-12-052023-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/239Numerous studies have revealed that the cost of building materials and equipment may ac-count for more than 70% of the overall cost of a typical construction project. As a result, good management of these two factors enhances a project's quality, on-time completion, and cost effectiveness. The main problem with condominium housing in Addis Ababa is poor project performance. Analyzing the effects of material management procedures in Addis Ababa condominium housing complexes was the goal of this study. A questionnaire survey, interview, site observation, and case study were carried out. In this research, a total of 74 questionnaires and 12 interview respondents participated. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS. The study indicated that there is poor material management practice in Addis Ababa condominium housing con-struction project sites. The study identified major causes of ineffective material management practices. And iden-tified measures for effective material management practices like using technologies to fa-cilitate material management on the projects, preparing material takeoff from drawing, preparing the detailed and accurate bill of quantity, preparing drawings in detail. The study also indicates that ineffective material management practice has a negative im-pact on the project performance of Addis Ababa condominium housing construction pro-ject sites. Some impacts identified are added costs over and above those initially agreed contract amount, fewer returns on investment, higher rental prices to the end user, loss of profits to the contractor, delay in the progress of the work, claims, and termination of pro-ject, failure and defects, loss of productivity of work and rework due to improper quality and mistakes.en-USAssessment on the Impacts of Material Management Practices in Addis Ababa Con-dominium Housing Projects PerformanceThesis