Tesfaye, Tilahun (PhD)Mengistu, Efrem2018-06-212023-11-092018-06-212023-11-092006-07http:// activation analysis(NAA) is used for quantitative determination and identi cation of elements from the chemical compound and rocks samples. Copper (Cu) and Iodine (I) and thier chemical compounds (CuSO4, KIO4 and KI) were activated by using Am-Be neutron source and then the concentration of copper in CuSO4 and iodin in KIO4 and KI determined by comparative method. The sodium content of two rock samples obtained from the Department of Earth Sciences is identi ed by neutron activation of the rock samples. The proportion of the sodium content, as determined in this work, in the two rock samples agree with results obtained by inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry (ICP-AES) at CRPG, Nancy, FranceenNeutron ActivationNeutron Activation analysis of CompoundsThesis