Wetro, Legesse (PhD)Teweldebirhan, Kinfe2018-06-272023-11-092018-06-272023-11-092010-06http:// this paper, we have analyzed the contribution of the magnetic stress energy to the supernova bounce. A calculation of Maxwell stress tensor is proposed when leads to the expression of the magnetic force density. By making the link between the the magnetic force density and the Maxwell stress tensor we derived the magnetic pressure, required to ensure core stability or support the star from gravitational collapse, we calculated the associated eld stranght at the surface of the compact object (the neutron star- NS) to be B & 1018 G and showed that this eld is exert a pressure Pmag 1035 g cms2 which is able to cause supernova bounce of the infalling stellar materialenEnergy to Supernova BounceContribution of Magnetic Stress Energy to Supernova BounceThesis