Asnake, MulatLegesse, Abiy2022-06-222023-11-182022-06-222023-11-182021-08 purpose of this study was to assess the employee’s attitude towards women leaders at Ethiopia federal police crime investigations bureau. For this study quantitative research design were selected. The total numbers of participants were 300, of which 203 were males and 97 were females were selected through systematic random sampling method. The quantitative data were gathered through questionnaire. Accordingly, 300 questionnaires were distributed to employees and all were returned with 100% response rate. Collected data analyzed through (SPSS) version 20. The collected data were analyzed using frequencies, percentage, one-way ANOVA and linear Regression. The finding of the study indicates the participants have a negative attitude toward female leaders. Male respondents have a negative attitude than female. Civil servants have a positive attitude than military (police officers). On the other hand, intercept (P-value 0.000, CI (2.254; 3.548)), gender (P-value 0.002, CI (0.071; 0.307)) and education background of the respondents (P-value 0.052, CI (-0.119; 0.001)) were statistically significant at .5% of level of significance. Besides, One-way ANOVA results indicate that gender, age and position are statistically associated with attitude at 5% of level of significance. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher made suggestion for cultural dominance and recommendations that can be utilized as a further spotlight on how we might improve our society's present gender-related attitude in generalenEmployee’s Attitude towards Women Leaders at the Ethiopia Federal Police Crime Investigations BureauThesis