Yntiso, Gebre phDFana, Kumela2022-04-112023-11-042022-04-112023-11-042005-03http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/31237Emel, E.ventriosum, is widely grown in southwestern parts of Ethiopia at an altitude of 1,100-3,000m,a.s.l lts cultivation involves complex farming practices of indigenous knowledge. Over 1.5 million of the forming community uses enset as a staple food and major source of income (spring, 1997,822)- The economic and socio-cultural significance of enset is little studied.enThe Multiple Puroses of Enset CultivationThe Multiple Puroses of Enset Cultivation a Case Study of Gimbi Oromo Community Ambo District in West Shoa ZoneThesis