Gashaw ZeytuDera Meron2024-07-292024-07-292023-10-09 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination strengthens the body's defenses against the viral strains that cause cervical cancer. It has contributed to a reduction in cervical cancer-related morbidity and mortality, which is one of the great public-health success stories. Despite the fact that vaccination reluctance is one of the world's top ten health challenges, there is a shortage of evidence in Ethiopia to completely understand vaccination-related hesitancy behavior. The primary objective of this thesis was to assess hesitancy of HPV vaccine uptake and associated factors among female students, in Jimma Town, Oromia, Ethiopiaen-USHuman papillomavirusVaccinationHesitancyHesitancy in Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine uptake and its Associated Factors among Female Students in Jimma town, Oromia, EthiopiaThesis