Rao, J Manohar(Dr)Habtu, Brhanu2021-04-072023-11-042021-04-072023-11-042006-03http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/25972Several studies have tried to show the extent HIVIAIDS epidemic slows down economic growth of highly infected developing countries. Ethiopia like those countries has a rising incidence rate and large number of people iiving with the virus. this paper primarily aims to highlight the impact of this epidemic on GDP per capital of the country and draw sme policy implications thereof. the investigation employs extended solow growth model and uses time series data. According to the findings.like in many countries investment has affected economic growth of the country positively, while it is indeterminate to that of population growth more importantly, the finding conveyed that AIDS has imposed its quantifiable adverse impact on GDP per capital of the country since its outbreak.enGrowthImpactAssessing the Growth Impact of AIDS: The Ethiopian CaseThesis