Taye, Shifferaw(PhD)Abebe, Michael2018-06-192023-11-112018-06-192023-11-112005-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/1781The use of steel deck in the construction of floors began in the 1920’s. The concept of using steel deck to act compositely with the concrete slab began in the 1950’s. A composite slab comprises steel decking, reinforcement and cast in situ concrete. Modern profiled steel are mostly designed to act as both formwork and Composite slabs. Composite construction in Ethiopian has not yet developed. This can be due to many factors. But to name a few, unavailability of the profile sheet locally and limited exposure to composite steel decks are some factors. In this thesis work, three analytic methods to calculate the capacity of composites is used. These are the full flexural method, first yield method and ASCE appendix D method. The full flexural method assumes that full interaction is present between the concrete section and profile steel sheet. The First Yield Method predicts the slab capacity to be the load that causes the bottom flange of the deck to reach yield stress. The Alternate Appendix D Method considers the shear transfer ability of different decks by the application of relaxation factors that describe the deck and embossment properties. The design strength is the multiplication product of the first yield strength and the relaxation factor. Based on these three analytic methods, design charts for different combinations of cross sectional values and material properties are developed.enDesign;ChartsDesign Charts for Composite Slab of 80mm and 100mm Concrete ThicknessesThesis