Dalecha, Desalegn(PhD)Siraw, Dawit2018-07-102023-11-052018-07-102023-11-052014-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/7597Background: Malaria is a preventable and treatable mosquito-borne disease. Approximately 52 million people (68%) live in malaria risk areas in Ethiopia. Dembecha woreda annual report shows that malaria is responsible for 13,852 morbidities (10% of the community) (2012/13 EFY). Observation and rumors of not hanging nets at all, hanging nets in a wrong manner and place and not giving priority to children and pregnant mothers deserve close examination. Thus, this study tries to describe Insecticide Treated Bed Net ownership, utilization and factors affecting in Dembecha woreda, Amhara region, Ethiopia. Objective: The main objective of this study is to assess the ownership and factors affecting utilization of Insecticide Treated bed nets in Dembecha woreda, west gojjam zone, Ethiopia. Methodology:A Cross sectional study was used and interview was conducted using structured questionnaire to assess the ownership and factors affecting utilization of Insecticide Treated bed nets in Dembecha woreda, from January 2013 to March 2014. A total of 380 households were systematically selected from the study kebeles by using their respective household head name list which was obtained from kebele administration from four kebeles. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. ITNs ownership will be assessed by interviewing and observation while net utilization by history of reported use of the net during last night. The data was entered and analyzed using EPI info version 3.5.1 and SPSS version 16. Result: Malaria was recognized as a major problem. Possession of at least one net was reported by 79.2% of the households is much better than other studies. However use under a net was 40.5%. The main reason showing the discrepancy goes to use of nets for other purposes than primarily intended(eg. used as clothe, used for transporting ‘chid’, used as curtain and the like. and leaving the nets in the package. Factors associated with use were: education, knowledge and getting health information. Conclusions and recommendations: Reasons for improper use were housing condition, and lack of awareness. Selection of control measures, should take into consideration local situation. Once chosen as methods of prevention, mosquito net distribution should have proper guideline and local capacities for doing so should be strengthenedenAssessment of ownership and factors affecting utilizationAssessment of ownership and factors affecting utilization of Insecticide Treated bed nets in Dembecha woreda, west gojjam zone, Ethiopia from September 2013 to June 2014Thesis